Friday Night Fire


Spent last night by a warm fire on the beach with friends. I bundled up pretty well considering it was around 19F or less. I may live in Maine but I’m not great with the cold temps. Despite the cold though I really love being outside in it as long as I’m dressed for it. There is something soothing about being outside no matter what the weather. Somebody said once that there is no such thing as bad weather only bad gear. I believe it. The longer I live here the more I appreciate the change in seasons and all the weather nature has to offer.

When we got down to the beach I was amazed to see all the ice collected on the shore. Huge slabs of blueish white scattered and stacked in thick pieces. We heard coyotes in the distance yelping and howling.
It was somewhat eerie to listen to the coyotes knowing that they were probably out hunting something. They were active for a long time and their howls of excitement traveled down to the water’s edge where we were very well.

The ocean was still and the tide was going out as we sat by the fire. The tide here on average is about 11-15 ft or so. As the tide goes out more and more of the flats are exposed giving up mussels and seaweed and shells to the moonlight shine. The beach practically glimmered as the temperatures dipped and frost collected on exposed stones and shells.
It was a beautiful night.

Hope you like the pictures!

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