Read and play, making time for new things

What did I do yesterday? I read. I read a lot.
I read about things that had nothing to do with art. Which is so important and so freeing when you are an “artist”.

Gabriela Niejadlik read
Often times I feel I can’t branch out and do other things. Society tells artists we need to stick to our mediums. I’m actively trying to rebel against this. Diversity is what makes your work yours. You are more than just one medium and your art should reflect that. You are dynamic and changing. Creativity in many ways is a living thing inside of us and it feels so good to honor it in as many ways as possible.

Gabriela Niejadlik read cat
I happen to be reading quite a few books which I love to do because it encourages ideas and concepts to leap from book to book. My current mix is Yoga Sequencing by Mark Stephens, The Alphabet Versus The Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image by Leonard Shlain, Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter by Simone de Beauvoir and I just finished Creativity: Unleashing the Forces Within by Osho.

Gabriela Niejadlik read cat
While I was reading the cats came to visit me and I couldn’t help getting sidetracked by McGonagall. I was tempting her up onto the couch with a sock and then with one of her toys to get a picture of her. I was fairly successful!
Gabriela Niejadlik read cat
Gabriela Niejadlik read cat
Reading books and just playing with my cats is an important part of my creative workflow. The value I find in drawing for hours and playing with my cats for hours is the same. Both activities encourage my own sense of creativity and happiness which ultimately lead to better work.

The harmony of a creative life.

Thanks for reading!

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