
Hello dear readers!
I’m back! I have returned from a busy week filled with so many things happening all at once. The crescendo being Friday night’s cooking extravaganza. I’m talking about 16 gallons of goulash and a 10-pound potato pancake casserole. Let me just say, if it were not for the fact that my parents graciously got me a food processor for the holidays there is no way any of these dishes would have successfully happened. Thank you, Mom and Dad I love you.

Looks like snow but its really just onions.

There was no way I was going to successfully cut 10 whole onions finely or shred 10 pounds of potatoes at 1 am.

By now you are wondering why all the food? Long story short my partner was having an especially long movie screening for his class.

After the ‘so many things to do’ tornado came through I took Sunday as a day to collect myself and relax which was very much-needed. There is nothing like a bath with a mud mask, glass of Byrrh and Planet Earth humming in the background. It was a much-needed, well-earned rest and I am happy to return!


What does home feel like for you?
The smell of beets boiling on the stove top, sweet sugar scented candles, and warm bread. When you wake up at home how does it move through you? Slowly like honey from a spoon or fast like a spring thaw from the mountains?

I wonder about you reader.

Home can mean so many things. Rooted in me, my home is in so many places and people. I am surrounded by it all the time and yet I long for it. To return to the source of solitude and comfort. It’s a magical feeling.

Macduff sleeps beside me on the couch. Together we are wrapped up in a wool blanket. McGonagall is in her basket. She glances at the tv once in a while watching sharks and seals.

There is a glow in here. Peacefulness comes in waves and I find myself awash in gratitude. I am again reminded “have no fear, all choices are the right ones.”

This morning I start the day with a feeling of relief. I fell asleep last night reading Richard Brautigan “Revenge of the Lawn”. A series of short stories that for me feel uncomplicated, serendipitous, and slightly magical. There are elements in the stories that are the kinds of elements you tell friends “You really can’t make this stuff up” . While perhaps much of it is fictitious it is the weaving of reality and its alternatives that make it so pleasurable to read.

Today is a day for art. I’m not sure what I’ll be making but stay tuned to find out!

Thanks for reading!

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